Thursday, September 13, 2012

Training on ASEAN and Women Right Sensitization

 On 6th-7th September, 2012 there is a training course entitled ‘Training on ASEAN and Women Rights Sensitization’ at SILAKA, which participated from SILAKA staffs, CYWA volunteers and women from NGOs at nine provinces, and  this workshop was held for two days. The first day there has a nice greeting from Director of SILAKA Ms. Thida Khus and Ms. Wenny from UN women. She asked and told all trainees about main points on ASEAN. The opening session of the training course consisted of self-introduction, setting rule for the training, participant’s expectation, goal and objective of the training. This session was facilitated by Mrs. Sovanny. On the first day, the topic being a long introduction about ASEAN and principle of CEDAW. In the morning, studying about ASEAN was facilitated by Ms. Seap Sinet, who is come from YRDP.  The trainees can learn more about the history of ASEAN and human rights. First, the goal of the training is to build capacity of women activist on ASEAN, and learn more about ASEAN especially it wants to show us about women rights. Moreover, this training wants to train us to be the best women of ASEAN and to know the process of situation on ASEAN integration in 2015. Then it has the following objectives such as create more knowledge of structure’s tool and the process on ASEAN through CEDAW,  make present women’s issues and decision of ASEAN, to know about principle of CEDAW and  to definite of national level structures to fight bravely opinion on women rights in ASEA, and especially on Human Right Declaration. Next, in the afternoon, Mrs. Aum Borany presented about principle of CEDAW such as review the meaning of gender and gender equality. Moreover, the second day, Mrs. Aum Borany gave a brief introduction of gender, and she gave more detail about equality gender and obligation of governments. Afterthat, she let the trainees to join in groups and then presented about particular topics by following process given that related to ASEAN and Women Rights. Then on the last day, trainees learnt about Action Plan of making forum which included about checking purpose and result of provincial level forum, checking on agenda, making plan for practice and budget plan. This plan is participate by 5 provinces such as Banteay Meanchey, Prey Veng, Kratie, Kampong Cham and Battambong. Finally, at the end of the training, we have an evaluation about what we learn for 2days. All the trainees know more about ASEAN, preparation for ASEAN Integration 2015, and the meaning of CEDAW. 
 In addition, the trainees from NGOs at the nine provinces can get new strategies to give more information about what they have learnt from the course to promote people in their provinces. For CYWA Volunteers, they also get more understanding on ASEAN and Women Rights, so they can give their information about what they have learnt from the training to promote other people especially women in society. In that time we also take photo together before closing.

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