Monday, June 18, 2012

Taking control of technology and making it your own

There are a core set of  web tools that are crucial to any successful strategic e-activism campaign. These web tools include databases which will storing contact information and general  data about supporters and a wide variety of   web tools that facilitate different ways of engaging supporters to put pressure on decision-makers.

Website and content management systems provide platforms for presenting information

Email tools offer mass communication expanding your advocacy campaign reach to online audiences and enable you to conduct outreach communications.

Tools to Connect to Audiences and Enable Supporter Action: Social Networking sites such as  Facebook facilitate different ways of engaging supporters to put pressure on decision-makers and to inform supporters and mobilize action.

Advocacy Strategies and approaches: Overview | Association for Progressive Communications

Advocacy Strategies and approaches: Overview | Association for Progressive Communications

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Strategic E-Activism: An Introduction to ICT Platforms

"It is official! After weeks of careful planning and preparation, the 1st in a series of capacity building course went off with out a hitch."

Participants getting hands on practice during the ICT training.
On Sunday, the 17th June 2012, with the support from the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWOMEN) and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), SILAKA organized a capacity building workshop as part of the ongoing efforts focused on strengthening the Information, Communication Technology (ICT) knowledge-base of the network of Cambodia Young Women Activists (CYWA) and Cambodian Women's Caucus (CWC).

Among participants, were CYWA volunteers, members of the CWC networks, and SILAKA staff. (See list of participants)

In hopes of empowering, these training modules were designed with the primary focus of supporting the Cambodian Young Women’s Activists Volunteers efforts to successfully launch a mass media campaign by providing them step by step guidance and by introducing them the online tools available to promote and disseminate information to the public and to ASEAN members in order to Strengthening Cambodia Contribution to Promote and Protect Women’s Human Rights in ASEAN Campaign (SCWHR in ASEAN Campaign).

As an introductory course, the objectives of the workshop centered on sharing basic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills and introducing the participants to the various online platforms available for networking, sharing and disseminating information.

After fully understanding the basics steps to create and use the platforms to aid their advocacy efforts, it is our program goal to provide them with a firm understanding of why and how ICT can be appropriated by women’s rights and human rights groups in their advocacy skills through their use of online tools such as social networking and the various other platforms available for advocacy and campaigning.

ICT Workshop Topics included:
A. Introduction to web search engines
B. How to create a gmail account
1. Creating e-groups in gmail
2.Adding, deleting, and maintaining contacts
3.Sending emails to e-groups

C. Introduction to Social Networking: Facebook
1. Creating account
2. Account maintenance basics
3. Adding contacts in facebook
4. Communicating via facebook chat

D. Introduction to Blogging
1. Creating a blog on Blogspot
2.Adding pictures to your blog
3.Adding hyperlinks to blog posts
4.Searching and adding videos to your blog using Youtube
5.Drafting, previewing, and posting basics
6. Sharing blog on facebook
E. Introduction to file hosting and sharing: Dropbox
Available resources include:
2. ICT Training Schedule (under construction)