Monday, December 10, 2012

DLDG 2nd Campaign on Water and Sanitation

SILAKA has partnered with PRIA to implement for two-year project (March 1, 2011 to February 28, 2013) named “Deepening Local Democratic Governance through Social Accountability in Asia” in Takhmao Municipality focusing on two Sangkats (Preakhou, and Kampong Samnanh)The project aims at improving democratic practices in urban local governance institutions through social accountability for improving the provisions of basic services (water and sanitation) to the urban poor households. One of the cores outcomes of the project is enhanced capacities of the urban poor households to engage in regular, sustained and constructive dialogues with municipalities through monitoring and demanding quality services. 

On 04th December 2012 DLDG co-organized 2nd wide campaign at Takhmao about Local  Good Governance on Water and Sanitation in Takhmao started from 7:30am to 11:00am which has all 213 participated, 110 Females. They are SILAKA staffs, CYWA Volunteers, students, and people from Takhmao in six sangkats such as: Sangkat Derm Mean, Sangkat Takhmao, Sangkat Takdol, Sangkat Preakho, Sangkat Kampong Somnanh, and Sangkat Preak Reusey.

This campaign co-organized to:
- improve interested from Takhmao people on governance process by sanitation water service supplied and sanitation from public service supplied and stakeholder. 
- Improve knowledge to people for understanding about garbage separating with effectively.

As the result participants know clearly about benefit of garbage separating and disadvantage of Dirty water.
This campaign divided into six group to six sangkats. Each group has leader which are SILAKA staff also participated from CYWA volunteer and people representative in Takhmao city.  They were using six Tuk Tuk for campaign to each sangkats.
Each leader responds on:
- Role Play directing,
- Photograph
- T-shirt and equipment sharing, banner
-  Report writing
- Attended list facilitate with participants.
For CYWA volunteer respond on:
- Role play relate to water and sanitation
- Q&A
- monitoring to participants in T-shirts wearing
For people representative respond on:
- Campaign participate 
- Providing Documentation, leaflet, Posters
-  Participant Attended list 

 All participants corporate very closely with each team which they know more clearly and answer with right point relate to water and sanitation. They also promised to help clean their city and make it more comfort as clean city. This campaign is ending with closely warming.

Friday, September 21, 2012

“Civil Society’s Write-Workshop for the Submission on the AICHR’s Guideline on Stakeholders’ Engagement”

Taking the momentum of the 10th Meeting of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission of Human Rights (AICHR) on September 21-24, 2012 in Siem Reap, Cambodia, representatives of civil society organizations coming from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, gathered together in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 18-19 September 2012 to come up with the submission on the AICHR’s Guideline for Engagement with Civil Society Groups. 

The Southeast Asian Civil Society Submission to the AICHR Guidelines for Engagement with Civil Society Groups consist of eleven sections; the introduction, principles of engagement, the purpose of the guideline, definition of civil society groups, the conduct of engagement, areas of engagement, criteria of civil society groups, mutual code of conduct, registration of civil society groups with AICHR, termination of registered status with AICHR, and the responsibilities of the registered civil society groups. Moreover, some CSOs also propose that AICHR should realize that their work would be meaningless and irrelevant without the supports and engagement of all sectors, including civil society organizations. Meaningful and constructive participation shall be considered as essential to the human rights framework that promotes good governance, democracy and peace in ASEAN. Plus, AICHR should realize that their work would be meaningless and irrelevant without the supports and engagement of all sectors, including civil society organizations. Meaningful and constructive participation shall be considered as essential to the human rights framework that promotes good governance, democracy and peace in ASEAN. The Southeast Asian CSOs have sent their Submission to the H.E. Om Yen Tieng, AICHR Chair, on September 20, 2012. 

This meeting ran smoothly, and it is a good opportunity for the CSOs from all the country in the ASEAN region came and discuss with each other on the Guideline for Engagement with Civil Society Groups as a way to ensure that civil society involvement will be the practice of working of the AICHR. In addition to that the existence of an active civil society is an important element of a people-centered ASEAN. Recognizing and engaging civil society is and must be an essential pre-condition for democratically legitimate decision-making process of AICHR, which aims at ensuring the guarantee for the respect, promotion, protection and fulfillment of human rights and freedoms for all people in ASEAN, and that the voice of the people is heard. 

Attachments Availble:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Training on ASEAN and Women Right Sensitization

 On 6th-7th September, 2012 there is a training course entitled ‘Training on ASEAN and Women Rights Sensitization’ at SILAKA, which participated from SILAKA staffs, CYWA volunteers and women from NGOs at nine provinces, and  this workshop was held for two days. The first day there has a nice greeting from Director of SILAKA Ms. Thida Khus and Ms. Wenny from UN women. She asked and told all trainees about main points on ASEAN. The opening session of the training course consisted of self-introduction, setting rule for the training, participant’s expectation, goal and objective of the training. This session was facilitated by Mrs. Sovanny. On the first day, the topic being a long introduction about ASEAN and principle of CEDAW. In the morning, studying about ASEAN was facilitated by Ms. Seap Sinet, who is come from YRDP.  The trainees can learn more about the history of ASEAN and human rights. First, the goal of the training is to build capacity of women activist on ASEAN, and learn more about ASEAN especially it wants to show us about women rights. Moreover, this training wants to train us to be the best women of ASEAN and to know the process of situation on ASEAN integration in 2015. Then it has the following objectives such as create more knowledge of structure’s tool and the process on ASEAN through CEDAW,  make present women’s issues and decision of ASEAN, to know about principle of CEDAW and  to definite of national level structures to fight bravely opinion on women rights in ASEA, and especially on Human Right Declaration. Next, in the afternoon, Mrs. Aum Borany presented about principle of CEDAW such as review the meaning of gender and gender equality. Moreover, the second day, Mrs. Aum Borany gave a brief introduction of gender, and she gave more detail about equality gender and obligation of governments. Afterthat, she let the trainees to join in groups and then presented about particular topics by following process given that related to ASEAN and Women Rights. Then on the last day, trainees learnt about Action Plan of making forum which included about checking purpose and result of provincial level forum, checking on agenda, making plan for practice and budget plan. This plan is participate by 5 provinces such as Banteay Meanchey, Prey Veng, Kratie, Kampong Cham and Battambong. Finally, at the end of the training, we have an evaluation about what we learn for 2days. All the trainees know more about ASEAN, preparation for ASEAN Integration 2015, and the meaning of CEDAW. 
 In addition, the trainees from NGOs at the nine provinces can get new strategies to give more information about what they have learnt from the course to promote people in their provinces. For CYWA Volunteers, they also get more understanding on ASEAN and Women Rights, so they can give their information about what they have learnt from the training to promote other people especially women in society. In that time we also take photo together before closing.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Traning on Public Speaking and Advocacy Media Press

On Saturday and Sunday the 21-22 CYWA volunteer participated in an introductory course entitled ‘’ Public Speaking and Advocacy ‘’ Training Course on Public Speaking and Advocacy’s goal is to build capacity of young women activist for ASEAN in Public Speaking  and advocacy, training them to be the best speaker of ASEAN and to know the process of doing statement on ASEAN Human Rights Declaration and training them to have skill in advocacy for the promotion and protection of human rights. This Training Course was held on July 21-22, 2012 at SILAKA Training Facilities in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 

This Training Course has the following objectives:
1.       Understanding  ASEAN and its advantages;
2.       Overview of Important characteristic the public speaker
3.       Introduction to tips for effective public speaker
4.       Advocacy through media and its method and analysis its impacts;
5.       Understanding the practical applications of advocacy on media.

The workshop was held over two days with the first day’s topic being a short introduction to ASEAN and ASEAN Human Right Declaration, Public Speaking and Advocacy. This part was facilitated by Mrs. Aum Borany and Keuth Samuth, SILAKA Training Team. Trainees were guided to what ASEAN is; its meanings for Cambodia and its people; things that Cambodian women should do to cope with ASEAN integration; last but not least, what activities have Civil Societies have done so far in contribution to ASEAN Human Right Declaration.

Mr. Kueth Samuth’s presentation introduced the participants to  11 main points ranging from: an introduction to public speaking, the ethics of public speaking, speaking confidently, responding to speeches, supporting your speech, outlining your speech, wording your speech, delivering your speech, using presentational aids, the strategy of persuasion, and the structure of persuasion. 

The following day, Samuth gave a brief introduction to advocacy, and he showed about advocacy process.Also, he let trainees to join in groups and gave presentation on particular topics by following process given.

On the last day, trainees learnt about Action Plan and Advocacy, Advocacy through media, and Applied media. The opening session of the training course consisted of self-introduction, setting rule for the training, participants’ expectation, and goal and objective of the training. This session was facilitated by Ms. Vary Khus, SILAKA Admin Supervisor and CYWA Volunteer Coordinator.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Meet CYWA Volunteer: Sotha Pisey


Sotha Pisey, Student/Volunteer

How She Learned about Us:

I know SILAKA by my friend who is a volunteer in here.

Why Volunteering with Us Appealed to Her:

I want to get some experience of working and I want to involve with the society. Moreover I want to learn new things especially about ASEAN.  


I like listening to music, watch TV and play Facebook.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Training on Meeting Organizing, Facilitate


          On Saturday 25, August  2012,  there was a training that call Meeting Organizing and Facilitate at SILAKA organization. It took only one day that started in the morning to the afternoon, and Ms. Kong Sary was the facilitator. First, the training was discussed about Facilitate Skill. It is very important for us to know what is different between Facilitate Skill and Teacher, and we will find out good idea that is related to Facilitate Skill. Then we will get that skill to work to be successful. Being as a Facilitator, need to work in formal education. For example, working at NGO, community and provinces. However, working as a Teacher work formal education, and especially teach at the universities or schools. Next, the main points  Facilitators have to be judgment when the students has problems. There are six points of Facilitator have to do: making plan, the manning of the facilitator, discussing ideas to the listener, facilitator have to encourage, sharing good ideas and having an evaluation. Therefor, the facilitators have to get all of these point in order to make their skills to be good. Second, was explaining about  how to organizing the Meeting. Why do we have to do a meeting? The reason is that to solve the problems, making a decision to get a topic,sharing ideas with each other, working in group and evaluation and edit work discussion. The advantage of organizing meeting is that we can know and help each other to solve the problems, having an interest for the future, getting dynamic, get more experience and  easy to make a decision. Finally, there are three ways to organize the meeting. Before the meeting, we need to have a topic, decision, the member of the audiences, place, date and time of doing the meeting, preparing the logistics, responsible work of each one, making slide show, ding program for the meeting, preparing the invitation, preparing snack, preparing attendant list, looking for all of these again. Then is the middle of the meeting, we have to check place and sit, list name of the audience, dividing the document and snack, make sure that the speaker and the audience will be at the meeting, take note, including report and take some photos. The last one is the after of the meeting, we have to collect all report that we have take note and attendant list, take off the logistics, doing evaluation and writing report.

       For conclusion, working as a facilitator is more important because we can use that skill to work in NGO, and community. Moreover, knowing how to organize the meeting is also very important because we will learn more about something new that we haven't seen before.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meet CYWA Volunteer: Kean Leakhena

Kean Leakhena, student/ CYWA Volunteer

How She Learned about Us:

I knew Silaka by my friend who is volunteer in here.

Why Volunteering with Us Appealed to Her:

Beside my study time I want to learn about how to work. That’s why I want to volunteer in here. I know that volunteer in here I can learn about ASEAN, and I can participate in a group work. One more, I can join training course too that is bring me new knowledge and I can get new experience from working here.


Sleeping, reading novel, watching TV, and playing chat or facebook.