On Saturday 25, August 2012, there was a training that call Meeting Organizing and Facilitate at SILAKA organization. It took only one day that started in the morning to the afternoon, and Ms. Kong Sary was the facilitator. First, the training was discussed about Facilitate Skill. It is very important for us to know what is different between Facilitate Skill and Teacher, and we will find out good idea that is related to Facilitate Skill. Then we will get that skill to work to be successful. Being as a Facilitator, need to work in formal education. For example, working at NGO, community and provinces. However, working as a Teacher work formal education, and especially teach at the universities or schools. Next, the main points Facilitators have to be judgment when the students has problems. There are six points of Facilitator have to do: making plan, the manning of the facilitator, discussing ideas to the listener, facilitator have to encourage, sharing good ideas and having an evaluation. Therefor, the facilitators have to get all of these point in order to make their skills to be good. Second, was explaining about how to organizing the Meeting. Why do we have to do a meeting? The reason is that to solve the problems, making a decision to get a topic,sharing ideas with each other, working in group and evaluation and edit work discussion. The advantage of organizing meeting is that we can know and help each other to solve the problems, having an interest for the future, getting dynamic, get more experience and easy to make a decision. Finally, there are three ways to organize the meeting. Before the meeting, we need to have a topic, decision, the member of the audiences, place, date and time of doing the meeting, preparing the logistics, responsible work of each one, making slide show, ding program for the meeting, preparing the invitation, preparing snack, preparing attendant list, looking for all of these again. Then is the middle of the meeting, we have to check place and sit, list name of the audience, dividing the document and snack, make sure that the speaker and the audience will be at the meeting, take note, including report and take some photos. The last one is the after of the meeting, we have to collect all report that we have take note and attendant list, take off the logistics, doing evaluation and writing report.
For conclusion, working as a facilitator is more important because we can use that skill to work in NGO, and community. Moreover, knowing how to organize the meeting is also very important because we will learn more about something new that we haven't seen before.